We are always looking for volunteers! Please contact our Patchogue location and speak with Debbie for more information.
We also have a community service program for those who are looking to serve for school, church and court purposes.
Patchogue Location: 631-803-6775

Monthly Financial Partners
Angels of Long Island is not government or corporately funded. The majority of our support comes from individuals such as yourself who are looking to make a difference. Help us to better serve Long Island by signing up as a Monthly Donor.
Looking to get involved? host a personal clothing or food drive to help our Outreach department. Not only will the donations collected help so many people, but you will be spreading knowledge of our organization to people who may not know about us yet.

We accept donations at both locations.
Patchogue- Mon-Sat from 10am-4pm.
Mastic- Mon-Sat 9am-3pm.
Our staff will happily assist in unloading your vehicle and even provide you with a receipt.
For Large donations please call before you come to ensure we have the space.